Our School

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Barthol Chapel School. We are very proud of our school and rightly so. We take pride in the fact that Barthol Chapel School is a happy and industrious school with a real sense of team spirit. Our learners are enthusiastic, friendly, welcoming and well behaved. Our staff are very hard working and very committed to doing their best for each and every child.


In partnership with you, we will encourage your child to have a positive attitude to learning. We aim to create an ethos where all the children are nurtured, respected, included, inspired and motivated in reaching their full potential, not only academically but as confident individuals ready to actively grasp and follow their dreams in the future.


We enjoy good links with the local and wider community, something we are looking to further develop. We enjoy a very successful partnership with our Parent Council which is open to all parents. We work hard to develop and maintain a strong relationship with parents and carers – the education of a child is far too important to be left to school alone.


Be assured that no worry concerning your child is too small or unimportant to share with us. We hope the following pages will give you a flavour of our school. Should any questions remain unanswered, we will be only too happy to help.